I would suggest going with the gulet charter over a crewed catamaran for several reasons. First, the Blue Cruise on a gulet is a product unique to Mediterranean whereas you can charter a catamaran worldwide. The hospitality of Italian crew on a gulet will amaze you, whereas a hired skipper and hostess on a cat will be more functional and will most likely not be professional as most cats are foreign flagged. With the cat, yes you would need to have an additional berth/cabin for both the skipper and the hostess unless they come as a couple, in which case one cabin would suffice. You would also need to pay for their meals and drinks in addition to their daily rates.
Comfort wise, again the gulet wins as there is so much room in cabins and on deck. On the cat, it would be up to you and the crew to decide what meals are on and which are off. On the gulet, you can have half board, but bear in mind that if you plan to sail, you'll need to plan an itinerary where you can actually be at a restaurant every evening, and much of this coastline is sparse and undeveloped (in a beautiful way.) Once you have a couple of meals off the gulet, you may find yourself preferring to eat on the boat for the quality and the value, because you do have your own personal chef already in the price. Not all gulets sail well so if you go with the gulet, ensure that the crew and the boat are prepared to sail whenever weather conditions comply.
A/C on standard and deluxe gulets is often part-time, designed to run in the early afternoon and evenings before midnight. It's normally then turned off as a courtesy to any nearby boats, and is usually not even needed unless there's a heat wave. Luxury gulets will offer 24/7 A/C.
The service with gulet for comfort and relaxing is unmatched with any catamaran
* 12 Sunbeds for each person one compared to smaller areas to sunbath on a Cat.
* Indoor and outdoor table for 12 to sit comfortable for your meals and private space.
* bi-weekly cleaning of towels and linen optional on Cat.
* private cabins for crew with shower and toilet not available for crew on Cat
* weekly cleaning of sunbed covers not available on Cat
* large tender for water sports and comfortable embarking and disembarking on anchor. A tiny tender on a Cat.
* 4 or more crew on Gulet whereas a catamaran has 1 or 2
* aircondition is optional on Cat and non exist-ant on smaller cats
* water toys aboard whereas on cat is optional
* on smaller cat one has toilet showers whereas on gulets large cubical showers with multiple shower heads.
* Gulet Charter Italy by Yacht Boutique is a unique hotel service for comfort and relaxing for clients. the luxury on the water.
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Boat rental gulet charter expert Sardinia Italy